
Who We Are

Our Mission

The Digital Humanities Laboratory (DHLab), a unit of Yale University Library, offers space, community, and resources for Yale scholars who pursue DH research questions in the arts, humanities, and humanistic social sciences. Located inside Sterling Memorial Library, the Franke Family Digital Humanities Laboratory is a hub for consultations, training, and opportunities that support Yale students, faculty, and cultural heritage professionals in their engagement with digital tools and techniques. As part of the Yale University Library, the DHLab participates in global conversations around the analysis and use of large-scale digitized cultural heritage collections.

We embrace a model of DH that is expressive and interpretive, experimental and collaborative, and above all: user-centered. As a result, we support DH undertakings of all shapes and sizes, including but not limited to: creating digital text editions, building virtual exhibitions, performing analysis of all kinds (text, network, spatial), data visualization, metadata transformation, creating StoryMaps for humanists, developing machine learning algorithms, and more.