Looking for classes to take this fall? Here are a few that will help you explore the intersection of theology and artificial intelligence, use digital humanities methods to study ecological issues, improve your programming skills, and more.
Taught by Gavi Levy Haskell (DH Developer in Computational Methods and Data), this online workshop will introduce participants to principles and techniques for creating compelling data visualizations.
Learn what it means to "do DH"—especially what it means to "do good DH"—in this interactive online workshop series. Over the course of three sessions, participants will explore avenues for creating meaningful and ethical DH projects, examine the history of DH as a field, and critically discuss case studies as...
In this online workshop, participants will learn about the typical structures of data-focused APIs, practice using an API to obtain data, and review strategies for working with more difficult or unusual APIs.
Curious about introducing data to your humanities research? This workshop will introduce you to some key vocabularies and resources for getting started with data work, assist you in framing a data-answerable research question, and guide you in finding and using an appropriate dataset to answer it.
Explore the possibilities and ethical pitfalls of using artificial intelligence methods for humanities research in this interactive, two-part virtual workshop, led by Nicole Cosmé-Clifford.
Web scraping in Python? Crunching numbers in R? Make sure you (and others!) can understand and reuse your code! This workshop will teach you some language-agnostic best practices for coding, including writing effective documentation, producing readable code, working towards modular programming, and choosing appropriate data structures.
Are you having a hard time finding data for your project? Learn about the benefits and drawbacks of four advanced data collection methods -- manual data collection, web scraping, data requests, and application programming interfaces (APIs) -- at this virtual workshop.
Taught by DH Developer Gavi Levy Haskell, this online workshop will introduce participants to principles and techniques for creating compelling data visualizations.
Learn how to make your DH projects and tools accessible to disabled users in this online workshop, taught by DH Developer Gavi Levy Haskell.
Learn about the benefits and drawbacks of four advanced data collection methods -- manual data collection, web scraping, data requests, and application programming interfaces (APIs) -- at this virtual workshop, co-hosted by Kaitlin Throgmorton (Cushing/Whitney Medical Library) and Gavi Levy Haskell (DHLab).
Learn what it means to "do DH"—especially what it means to "do good DH"—in this online workshop series. Over the course of three sessions, participants will explore avenues for creating meaningful and ethical DH projects, examine the history of DH as a field, and critically discuss case studies as a...
Create rich multimedia narratives about your research using ArcGIS StoryMaps, a web-based storytelling tool that combines maps and multimedia content.
Join the Haas Arts Library and the DHLab for an exciting two-part workshop series on using AI art tools for creative practice.
Curious about basic text mining techniques? Heard murmurings about topic modeling or sentiment analysis and want to know what the fuss is about? Learn more at this virtual workshop led by Alice Prael (born digital specialist, Beinecke) and Gavi Levy Haskell (DH developer, DHLab).
Learn about the possibilities and ethical pitfalls of using artificial intelligence methods for humanities research in this interactive, two-part virtual workshop, led by Nicole Cosme-Clifford.
Ever wondered about all the objects museums don’t have on view? Want to think about collections, not just objects? Metadata might be a place to start! This online workshop will help you understand this kind of data, and get you started on learning how to find and use it.
Learn computational methods for analyzing library catalog data at this half-day workshop, led by James Baker, Director of Digital Humanities at the University of Southampton. The workshop will provide instruction in the AntConc toolkit and approaches from computational linguistics.
Learn to create and analyze large datasets using ProQuest’s TDM Studio platform! These two virtual workshops—one for experienced R or Python programmers, and one for users of all levels—will explore how to use TDM Studio to mine ProQuest’s collections. Discussions will cover methods such as geographic analysis, sentiment analysis, and...
Learn how to analyze texts using Constellate, ITHAKA's new tool for text and data mining. This eight-session "Introduction to Text Analytics" series will take place every Tuesday and Thursday, from July 20 through August 12.
Learn new computing skills this summer through our Library Carpentry workshop series! All Yale students, faculty, and staff are welcome. The workshops will be held online the mornings of June 10, 11, 17, and 18. Please try to attend all if you sign up.
Learn how to identify similar images and texts with Python. This workshop will focus on the task of identifying similar images, but we will also discuss how you can use the same techniques to identify similar texts in large corpora.
Learn how to work with images in Python. Many programming workshops focus on how you can use Python for text analysis, but it is also useful for studying images at scale. This workshop will cover techniques for color extraction.
How can we teach a computer to recognize the genre or authorship of a text? What about the entities (people, places, things) within the text? Find out in this introductory workshop on popular classification techniques used in machine learning.
This workshop will provide a broad overview of network analysis. We'll cover what networks are, how you can interpret them, and why you might want to use them in your research.
Develop techniques for wrangling messy data with Python. Oftentimes, data retrieved online needs to be transformed or otherwise parsed before it can become usable for your research. This workshop introduce Beautiful Soup, a Python library for extracting data from HTML and XML files.
Many libraries, museums, and galleries worldwide are digitizing their collections and making them available for data mining via Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Learn how to retrieve online data via APIs with this workshop.
This virtual workshop series will introduce attendees to the tools and services of the HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC). Spread over four days, each workshop will address a different aspect of text and data mining using HathiTrust data and HTRC services.
Curious about Python but not sure where to start? This workshop will introduce the basics of the Python programming language. Participants will learn how to perform common programming tasks in order to build familiarity with Python's syntax and best practices.
Looking to visualize your data? This workshop will familiarize you with key issues in data visualization. Participants will learn how to use Tableau Public, free software for creating dynamic and compelling visualizations.
Stay up-to-date on all things ArcGIS StoryMaps! Esri has launched a free webinar series that anyone can join to learn how to get started with ArcGIS StoryMaps, a new, next-generation storytelling tool that makes it even easier to create maps and weave them into stories.
Learn more about the intersections of art and AI and how you can incorporate both into your work using Runway ML, out-of-the-box software that lets you apply neural style transfer techniques to your own images.
This second workshop in the Python for Humanists series introduces more complex programming concepts that will be useful when working with data.
Curious about Python but not sure where to start? This workshop will introduce the basics of programming in Python.
Create generative art with advanced machine learning techniques. This workshop will offer participants an overview of a variety of neural network architectures that can be used to generate digital artworks. We will cover autoencoders, recurrent neural networks, generative adversarial networks, and the ways that each of these techniques can be...
Learn how to create interactive data visualizations with only a few clicks! Along with generating individual maps and graphs, we’ll also look at ways to pull visualizations together into a single data dashboard you can publish online using Tableau Public.
Learn how to track a word's semantic meaning over time with word embedding models. This workshop will introduce "word embeddings," also known as vectorized representations of words, to show how they can be used to study patterns of linguistic similarity within and across text documents.
Learn more about the intersections of art and AI. This session will provide a broad overview of neural style transfer, an algorithmic technique that applies the “style” of one digital image to the “content” of another.
Text data is often messy and unstructured, meaning you have to invest a lot of time in preparing the files before you can even begin analyzing them with computational methods. Python makes it easier to extract and clean text data at scale. This workshop will walk participants through several common...
Establish infrastructure for digital humanities support at your campus.
Gain hands-on experience working with popular open source tools used by digital humanities practitioners. This week-long workshop offers an introduction to the field of digital humanities, with a focus on text mining, network analysis, and spatial analysis.
Create rich multimedia narratives. In this workshop, we'll cover how to use existing Story Maps platforms. Participants will also learn about ArcGIS StoryMaps, a new, next-generation storytelling tool that makes it even easier to create maps and weave them into stories.
Discover latent topics across hundreds of texts! This workshop will guide participants through the process of building topic models in the Python programming language.
Create interactive graphs with only a few clicks. Along with generating individual maps and graphs, we'll also look at ways to pull visualizations together into a single data dashboard you can publish online using Tableau Public.
Looking to visualize your data? This workshop will familiarize you with key issues in data visualization with an introduction to Tableau, an application for creating dynamic and interactive visualizations.
Discover how machine learning methods can aid in data analysis.
This workshop series will introduce participants to 'Tidy Data,' OpenRefine, UNIX Shell, and Python.
This hands-on workshop will cover the fundamentals of the Python programming language.
This workshop will show participants how to use the HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC) Feature Reader to conduct semantic analysis.
This workshop will familiarize you with key issues in data visualization with an introduction to Tableau, an application for creating dynamic and interactive visualizations.
This workshop will provide a broad overview of D3.js.
This workshop will introduce the very basics of the JavaScript programming language, the language that runs nearly all modern websites. We will cover data structures, conditionals, and loops, and will also have time for participants to build small websites of their own design.
Learn how to combine texts, images, and videos alongside maps using Esri's free Story Maps platform. In this workshop, participants will design a web-map, explore different Story Maps templates for showcasing research, and develop best practices to avoid copyright infringement.
This workshop will introduce participants to Named Entity Recognition (NER), or the process of algorithmically identifying people, locations, corporations, and other classes of nouns in text corpora. We will help users install and run Stanford's flagship CoreNLP (Natural Language Processing) toolkit to identify entities in text files.
In this interactive workshop, participants will be able to experiment with the OMIPOD and learn about the hardware configuration, sensors, and software necessary to program it.
This workshop will familiarize participants with the fundamentals of Git and GitHub. Git—a free, open source version control system—and GitHub—a popular repository for sharing code—are key for web development projects and programming more broadly. Together, they provide a robust system for collaborating with team members and finding existing code that...
This workshop will provide a basic overview of XSLT as a declarative programming language. The instructor will demonstrate an iterative process of investigating, updating, and reviewing a TEI file with the assistance of XSLT.
This workshop will provide a broad overview of network analysis. In addition to covering what networks are, how to read them, and why you might want to use them, we'll also demonstrate how to generate them using Gephi — open-source, multi-platform visualization software.
How can technological platforms connect investigations of the past to transformative justice in the present? How might the digital humanities promote intersectional research and tell the stories of marginalized subjects?
This workshop will familiarize you with key issues in data visualization.
Learn how to use Git at the DHLab's next Coffee and Code! During the workshop, DH Developer Douglas Duhaime will cover the fundamentals of Git — a free, open source version control system.
Get familiar with the command line at the DHLab's next Coffee and Code Workshop.
Led by Mark Custer, this workshop will provide an overview of XML (Extensible Markup Language) basics, with a special emphasis on TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) markup and hands-on exercises.
Visualize word frequencies at the DHLab's Coffee and Code.
Learn how to gather data from online! Join the Digital Humanities Lab for a Coffee and Code session on web scraping.
Interested in exploring how you might incorporate DH methods and tools into the classroom to change the way your students interact with and think about humanities materials?
DH Developer Douglas Duhaime will lead an informal, two-part workshop on creating distribution plots in R to visualize word frequencies.
This text mining workshop will overview several ways of interacting with the Early English Books Online-Text Creation Partnership.
During Office Hours, DH Developer Douglas Duhaime led an informal, live coding session during which he walked through approaches to requesting data from historical and bibliographic APIs.
"The Sounds of Digital Joy: Black Women's Sonic Space Making Online Workshop with Moya Bailey and Jalylah Burrell
"Digital Editing and the Medieval Manuscript Roll Sterling Memorial Library, March 11 & 12 The Digital Humanities Lab co-sponsored a paleography and text encoding workshop that was led by..."
"YaleMakes and Yale Data Science are pleased to announce that Max Galka will lead a hands-on workshop covering the essentials of GIS (geographic information systems). He will walk through the process..."
"The Digital Humanities Lab sponsored a text analysis workshop with Matthew Jockers, Associate Professor of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Jockers based the workshop on the first few..."