Workshop: ArcGIS StoryMaps
Workshop: ArcGIS StoryMaps
ArcGIS StoryMaps: Tell the Story of Your Research with Place-Based Multimedia Narratives
ArcGIS StoryMaps, which combine maps and multimedia content to enable web-based storytelling, have become a popular tool for researchers. They’re being used to communicate complicated analyses, present final projects, and even provide visual resumes. In this session, you will learn the ABCs of StoryMaps, including what they are and how their builder functions make it possible to easily create rich multimedia narratives. In addition to describing new and upcoming features of StoryMaps, the workshop will include a lecture on copyright considerations when building a StoryMap and a lightning talk to showcase a Yale StoryMap Gallery from Dr. Maria Moreno’s courses.
What Are ArcGIS StoryMaps?
A Yale StoryMaps Gallery
Copyright Insights
Hands-On Demo
What’s New and What’s Coming
Allen Carroll, Program Manager for Storytelling, Esri
Ross Donihue, Lead Content Strategist for StoryMaps, Esri
Sandra Aya Enimil, Program Director for Scholarly Communication and Information Policy, Yale University Library
Dr. Maria Moreno, Research Scientist and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Yale Univeristy
Workshop Time and Location
Monday, October 16, 2023
1-3 p.m. EDT
17 Hillhouse, Room 111
All Yale students, postdocs, faculty, and staff are welcome! Please note that registration is required. To register, please visit the workshop website.
This event is co-sponsored by Yale University Library’s GIS Support Services, the Digital Humanities Lab, the Yale University Library Scholarly Communication and Support Policy group, the Yale School of the Environment, Public Humanities at Yale, and the Yale Graduate Digital Humanities Colloquium.
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